Labels:text | screenshot | rectangle | diagram OCR: Figure 1: SPEC Benchmarks Better 100 80 60 40 20 Worse SPECIn192 SPECtp92 AST Premmia GX P/133 Compaq ProLiant 4500 100MHZ ALR Q-4SMP 90MHZ SGI Indy 4600PC 100MHz Comparison machines are selected on the basis of being in the same general performance range and bolog generally of a similar design or Intended application. Such machines sve not lofended to be azacity comparable In features and functionality to the syslam under review, however. SPEC resuils for comparison systems are lakon from prior issues of UNIX Review or official results published by the manufacturer. These published results are assumed to conform to SPEC reporting vales but may utlize various levels of optimisation and may use special compilers and optimizing preprocessors. Hardware configurations also may differ substantially.